Sunday, March 28, 2010

~ Milk Cooler


A simple blend of ice and milk to bring down the heat! It's kind of queer to me, for I felt as though I was drinking beaten egg whites!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

~ Rainbow Peanut Congee


Taken from:
Highlanders International

Brown rice porridge mix and peanuts~

1 sachet (60g) Highlanders Rainbow Congee, or any brown rice mix
1/4 C white rice
1 can (120g drained) braised peanuts
750 ml water
Handful of red dates

1) Place rice, peanuts, and dates into the water in a saucepan and bring to boil.
2) Simmer for 10 - 15 min, or till grains are cooked. Serve =)

Hey, where's the rainbow colours of my rainbow congee? Well, sometimes we have to perceive things beyond what is written. For those curious, the term "rainbow congee" stems from the fact that the mix is made from 8 different ingredients (I thought the rainbow only has 7 colours?) - brown rice, mung beans, barley, buckwheat, pumpkin seeds, black glutinous rice, mushrooms and seaweed; and it's marketed as a form of "healthy rice".


Despite the plethora of ingredients added inside, the congee apparently only sports one obvious taste, that is brown rice. What happened to all the other ingredients? Perhaps they have only been added in minute amounts to justify the name of the product =p Combining one spoonful of congee with peanuts definitely enhanced the taste. I think that it would be better to cook the congee with chicken or any meat, which makes a world of difference to the taste (and appealed to me during the taste-before-you-buy session).

Next time around, I shall use the mix to make a sweet chinese soup dessert, that is red bean with brown rice paste. Sounds good? Of course!

Oh do you know what this signals?:


The durian season's coming! AHHHHH!!! ^ ^

Sunday, March 21, 2010

~ Chocolate Banana Milkshake


Soon it'll be "Creating Jiffy Smoothies for Breakfast in Mum's Kitchen"!

1 tbsp cocoa, 1 banana, 31 g (1 packet) of milk powder, 1/2 C water, 1 C ice.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

~ Carrot Banana Milkshake


Wow I can't believe that I'm so busy with life nowadays that I do not have the time and energy to whip up some nice dishes to have =( Here's a quick smoothie - 2 carrots,1 banana,1/2 C cold milk and 1/2 C ice.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

~ Carrot-Sweetened Chocolate Oatmeal Drink


Since I've been consuming too much refined sugar lately, I've tried substituting those with natural unrefined sugars to cut down on my intake. I figured that a carrot seem to be the perfect solution to sweeten that 1 tbsp of bitter cocoa and 1 cup cold oatmeal with milk!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

~ "Wholesome" Guacamole


Go wild with mashed avocados! Add anything you fancy into this creamy green mess!

I made mine with 1/2 avocado, 1 plum,3 strawberries, 1 tsp pollen and 1 tsp flaxseed.

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