Wednesday, June 24, 2009

~ Or Nee (Yam Paste)


Adapted from:

Traditional chinese dessert for a sweet tooth!

450 g yam or taro, diced
160 ml milk
30 g sugar
30 ml oil

1) Boil yam in water for 15 min till soft.
2) Drain liquid, and mash the yam. Add in some milk for easier mashing.
3) Heat oil in a wok over medium heat, and stir in the yam carefully.
4) Add the rest of the milk to make the dish less chunky.
5) Add sugar and stir-fry till fragrant.
6) Serve warm or cold

Or Nee is one of my favourite desserts around, but those that one can bu outside are ladened with oil and sugar (that's why they taste so yummy!) To avoid the unhealthiness and still enjoy the yumminess, I just had to try making Or Nee for myself! It turned out slightly dry and pasty, I could have added more milk to let it be in a more liquid state, but I like it this way, for it gives me a feeling of real substance in the dish. The yam taste was not as pungent as I hoped it would be, as I drained the boiled yam. Initially I wanted to steam them but I guess I was too lazy =x Laziness stole away the gingko nuts that were supposed to don this amazing dessert. Anyway, it's a sugar-reduced recipe, so if there is a need to, always feel feel to stir in some honey or syrup or coconut milk to moisten it :)


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