This was my first dinner of 2011 (yes I know, this is paa-pathetic..), and I hope it wouldn't be my frequent dinner though the instantaneity of making this entices a lazy person so much. And I shall not use this post as an avenue to rant about my life. Well.. at least not for today, not the first day of 2011 =p
As depicted clearly above, there were button mushrooms, corn, icebery lettuce, and egg simmered in (chicken) broth for my noodles. I like to top my noodles with a soft-boiled yolk that adorns the dish with its bright happy colour and simply begs to be savoured. The sensation of warm and creamy liquid yolk bursting out of its slightly cooked golden film over one's sensory (taste) organ sends one to heaven =) I would always have my yolk first, "to save the best for the last" is not applicable when it comes to my soft-boiled gems. And just a reminder, it's the liver that makes most the cholesterol in one's blood, not due too much to the consumption of egg yolks.
Having mushrooms and lettuce proved to be a wise move in an attempt to "bulk-up" the dish. They gave texture and taste variations to the palate, and do not have much calories. I had jubilantly poured in a whole large can of mushrooms into my noodles after noticing that that can of mushrooms had less calories than an average apple. Now, how much cooler can that get?
Recently, I have had some trouble in the toilet too, so this dish was somewhat a salvage therapy for me with all fibre that it contained. Fortunately, I didn't pass too much gas. Somehow, when I take higher fibre intake, my body seems to adapt to it and wouldn't make me embarrass myself in public with bouts of flammable and unappealing gas as much as it did before. Good.
Aw I just had to rant - I don't care if today's the first day of 2011, it's in my blood to complain! You see, I couldn't come up with interesting, eye-catching, mind-blogging names for the variations of instant noodles that I cooked! Anything that sounds convincing and true to the picture will be it alright! Looking forward to instant inspirations in naming my future noodles!