Saturday, November 7, 2009

~ Brown Rice Tea Oatmeal


I just can't agree more with Mary Poppin's "Just a spoonful of sugar" when I first tried this concortion (well in this case it would be more apt to be a "just a cupful of oatmeal!"). One of my pals had kindly let me try 3 packets of brown rice tea, which was touted as a good supplement to keep heart diseases at bay.

Full of anticipation, I'd tried my first packet in school.. and yucks, it was super gross. It has a bitter and dry taste that leaves a cloying sweet aftertaste at the back of the throat, and I was so taken aback that I'd decided to give the other two packets away to whoever wants it. However, being the kiasu me who would never (or at least try not to) forsake health foods, I've stirred a packet into my oatmeal in an attempt to make it more palatable and surprisingly, the outcome was astounding.
There was no more bitterness and the sweet aftertaste blended well with the oatmeal.


This combination was malty, full of bite and easy on the palate. It makes me feel so healthy after downing (pretty) cup of this. An excellent alternative way to swallow that nasty brown rice tea!

Well, it doesn't look that appetising from the top..:


Not when it's from the front either..:


But still, a commendable effort towards healthy eating! Don't be lazy!

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