Wednesday, November 11, 2009

~ Exotic Fruits (Avocado, Strawberry, Attap) Parfait


Modified from:
American Feast

A myriad of colours, taste and nutrients within a glass tower~

Ingredients (1 serving):
1/2 avocado, diced
3 strawberries, diced
3 attap seeds in syrup
150 g yhogurt
1 1/2 tbsp orange juice

1) Toss fruits together and spoon into a tall glass.
2) Mix yoghurt and orange juice together, and drizzle onto the fruit mixture.

Ok before anyone spots anything, I shall be honest and admit that yes, the pictures were taken on my bed =x (my quilt was caught in the pictures!) With such a pretty and matching bedsheet, it would be a pity to not feature it in one of my preparations.


Back to things proper, this parfait serves as a easy and versatile way to impress your guests (not that I have any at that moment)! Vary the variety of fruits, composition, yoghurt volume and anything else to create impressive and healthful desserts with minimal effort!

But ops, do not be too generous to top the parfait all the way to the brim.. You might face the same difficulty as I did - Now, how do I start eating this?

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