Thursday, January 15, 2009

~ Blanched Baby Kailan & Xiao Bai Cai


Taken from:
Kat's and Tiff's

Delicious greens with sealed-in vitamins and minerals, all in minimal effort!


Baby kailan
Xiao bai cai
2 L water
1 tsp salt
Soysauce (to taste)
Sesame oil (to taste)

1. Bring water to boil, and add in salt.
2. Submerge the veggies in the water for 2-3 mins.
3. Drain veggies and immerse in cold water for a few seconds to stop the cooking process.
4. Toss with soysauce and/or sesame oil or any other seasonings of one's preference. Serve.


Greens are meant to be GREEN, and yes they are! Blanching veggies seals in their nutrients and retains their natural crisp. The kailan was deceptively sweet while the xiao bai cai was at its peak of crunchiness. Good!

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