Thursday, July 23, 2009

~ Washing Grapes


If u have 1.29kg of grapes on hand and you are clueless to how you are going to go about removing the greyish stuff on every single globe, you've come to the right place!

Here's what you can do:
1) Place the whole bunch of grapes in a big pail of water.
2) Put on a pair of gloves and work some toothpaste into a smooth lather.
3) Wash the grapes with those toothpaste-lathered gloves, while removing the grapes from the stems.
4) Once done, rinse the destemmed grapes 2-3 times in running water to remove the toothpaste (or a few times more if the grapes are minty!)
5) Pat the grapes dry and eat/use! (I froze mine for a refreshing treat!)

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