Tuesday, August 11, 2009

~ Tomato Egg Pasta


Adapted from:

Quick and filling pasta cloaked in chunky tomato-based sauce lined with shreds of egg white

3 tomatoes, diced
1 tsp oil
1 tsp dark soy sauce
1 tbsp ketchup
1 egg, yolk and white separated
75 g pasta

1) Cook pasta in salted water till al dente. Reserve half a cup of liquid, and set pasta aside on a plate.
2) Heat oil and tomatoes in a saucepan, and cook till tomatoes are soft, around 5-10 min.
3) On low heat, add in dark soysauce, ketchup and adjust the consistency with the pasta liquid if you like the sauce to be thinner.
4) Stir in the egg white till its cooked and pour the sauce over the pasta.
5) Top the pasta with egg yolk and serve.

I was up earlier than expected, what else can I do then to whip myself a nutritious breakfast? But what? Peanut butter sandwich was on my lunch list so no way I'm going to have that for breakfast as well. Had no cravings for oatmeal for a long long time so its out of the question. Let's open the fridge for some inspiration and hey, there were many tomatoes lying around! And so I've decided to make a quick meal out of my favourite lycopene duffels!

Being lazy and dreadful of having bad breath (was going to school and for driving after that), I've omitted the onions and garlic that I adore so much. An egg was throw in to add protein, taste and for aesthetic purposes =p Don't you just like the yellow yolk perched on the bed of red with white streaks?


As I'd used wholewheat pasta which had a distinct nutty taste to it, I couldn't really tell the exact taste of the sauce if I had it together with the pasta. However, a sample of merely the sauce yielded a rather ketchup-like taste, and the egg yolk lended a creamy texture. On the whole, it was a rather good gustatory experience in the morning.

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