Saturday, October 24, 2009

~ Chocolate Avocado Milkshake


Taken from:

Creamy concoction of avocado and milk~

Ingredients (1 serving):
1 ripe avocado
1 C milk
2 tsp honey
1/2 tsp unsweetened cocoa powder

1) Blend all together. Serve with ice/blended with ice.

The avocado can really be uber squishy and oily, do handle it with care! If not you may have to do an extra step in cleaning up the place and losing some of this exotic fruit!

Since the blender is spoilt (long long time ago), I mixed this up manually. What I did was to roughly chop the avocado, and mash it up with the rest of the ingredients using a potato masher in a tall canister! Sounds fun?

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