Saturday, October 17, 2009

~ Tofu Lime Cheesecake


Modified from:
Lower-fat version of cheesecake!

Ingredients (4.5" cake):
50 g sugar cracker crumbs
25 g butter, cold
1/2 C icing sugar
1 egg
150 g cream cheese, softenen
300 g pressed tofu
Zest of 5 limes
1 tbsp lime juice
1/4 tsp vanilla essence

1/4 C fruit spread
4 tbsp water
1/2 tbsp cornstarch

1) Cut butter into crumbs, and press into the base of a 4.5" springform pan. Place into freezer.
2) Cream egg and icing sugar together, followed by cream cheese and tofu.
3) Stir in lime juice and vanilla essence.
4) Pour mixture into the crumb base, and bake in preheated oven at 150 deg for 75 min till the cake is set. Cool and put in the fridge overnight.
5) To make the sauce, dissolve fruit spread and cornstarch in water in a sauce pan. Cook till desired consistency. Cool, and spread the sauce over the cheesecake to serve.

I've forgotten to add in the cornstarch =( But it turned out fine, since I'd baked it slightly longer. Since I didn't blend the tofu well enough with my whisking machine and that it was pre-packed pressed tofu, I could still taste some small bits of tofu here and there in the cheesecake (i.e. the cake wasn't as smooth as I liked it to be). However, this cheesecake is definitely kinder to the waist compared to conventional ones without sacrificing taste!


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