Friday, December 18, 2009

~ Eggless Melting Moments


Taken from:

Buttery melt-in-your-mouth cookies with chocolate filling~ 

125g butter
2 tbsp icing sugar 
1/2 C (75 g) cornflour
1/2 C (70 g) plain flour
1/4 C chocolate chips
1 tsp butter

1) Cream butter and sugar till fluffy.
2) Sift cornflour and plain flour together, and stir into (1)
3) Place the batter into a piping bag and pipe small 2 cm florets onto a lightly-greased baking tin.
4) Bake at preheated oven at 180 deg for 7 min, or till the corners of the cookies start to brown. Cool cookies on wire rack.
5) Melt chocolate and butter together, and pipe a pea-sized amount onto one cookie. Sandwich with another cookie.  Store cookies in airtight container, for up to 4 days.

The cookies were very fragile, but still able to hold their shape. However, I do not think that they are suited for travelling. Mum commented that they were too sweet and dry (and unsuitable for eating) after almost crushing one while picking it up, while I found them a tad too oily (spot the oil spots!) and crumbly (many suffered from clumsy fingers).


The piping process was quite fun, and I'm so proud of myself for creating decent-looking florets most of the time. =p


The original recipe uses an orange cream filling but I was too lazy so used a chocolate filling instead. Shall attempt another recipe if time permits. Edible Garden seems promising.

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