Saturday, January 23, 2010

~ FOat Kueh (Oat Kueh)


Taken from:

Oat custard cakes~

2 tbsp instant oatmeal
4 tbsp rolled oats
1 tsp rice flour
2 tsp sweetened condensed milk
4 tbsp water
Icing sugar (for dusting)

1) Stir all together and steam on high heat for 10 min.

Inspired by my previous post on Kueh Jongkong, I had decided to create a new kueh on my own. This recipe involves fusion - fusing the West with the East, the oat with the rice, the breakfast with hi-tea. That's why I named it "Fusion Oat Kueh", abbreviated as "FOat Kueh" (pronounced as Fo-at ku-eh).

Sound's like Fatt Kueh doesn't it?

But the looks, taste and texture were nowhere near that of the Fatt Kueh. Instead, it's slightly sticky with a hint of milk and oats. It's kinda hard to describe the whole experience. Imagine oats in a custard base, and there you have it - FOat Kueh!


You'll like this if the taste of oats appeals to you, and you need some variations for breakfast. Fruits can be incorporated into the kueh for some fibre boost. Oh it's a good idea to toss FOat kueh cubes with coconut flakes too!


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