Happy 2010!
A brand new year would mean a fresh start, and often, resolutions are made to pave the way towards a meaningful year! Unfortunately, (I think) resolutions are frequently forgotten after the festive mood is gone. Thus, I have decided to jot down mine for 2010, so that I can be reminded regularly when I stray off course from my initial plans! Furthermore, like all successful performance systems, any resolutions made have to be S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely) so that I’ll stick to them well!
My resolutions for 2010 (in alphabetical order):
- Attain at least four As for Year 3 Sem II: achievable by setting up and sticking to a study timetable, practising consistent work, and
- Grab a scholarship/bursary: Prepare well for interviews!
Health & Body Care
- Cut down unhealthy snacking to one serving daily.
- Drink at least eight glasses of water daily.
- Exercise at least twice weekly.
- Exfoliate with honey and sugar scrub twice a week.
- Have at least seven hours of sleep everyday i.e. sleep by 1130.
- Have at least two glasses of milk/equivalent daily.
- Have a tbsp of flaxseeds/pollen/equivalent daily.
- Have five servings of fruits and vegetables daily.
- Reduce weight by 4 kg to 44 kg.
Organisations / Events
- Charity Fiesta: Commit to it.
Personal Development
- Be opportunistic: Act within 3 days of sighting the opportunity.
- Be punctual: No later than 5 min.
- Enlist positive thinking and keep emotions in check: Read up on relevant information.
- Give my very best in everything I do: Always prepare well for each day, and reflect after a day's work.
- Learn a new language e.g. foreign language, sign language, dialect.
- Listen more and deliver constructive comments: Read up on relevant information on how to do so.
- Not to procrastinate and do things at the last minute: All work to be done within 3 days e.g. put up blog post or complete FT within 3 days.
- Persevere: Self-imposed will.
- More $$: Engage in internships and part-time jobs where possible. Be more frugal in item purchases.
- Be more tolerant and appreciative of others: Refer to personal development.
- Show more care and concern for family members e.g. minimise quarrels to no more than once weekly.
- Treat K better: Reduce unnecessary nagging, be more understanding, and help out as much as possible.
- Blog: redo labelling by quarter year, achieve 350 posts before 2011.
- SLP blog: get it up and running by the end of the year.
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